Villa Primavera

Villa Primavera Rental Terms and Conditions

1. Booking Conditions


A non-refundable deposit of 35% of total price is required to secure your booking; this is to be sent with the completed booking form by bank transfer. No agreement will exist between you and us until we have confirmed your booking in writing, which will be done by email or letter and your deposit has been paid.

Payment of Balance

The balance of your holiday booking will then become payable 8 weeks before the booked arrival date. If payment is not received on or by this date we reserve the right to cancel your booking with loss of deposit or at our discretion charge an administration fee for the continuation of the booking. If the booking is made within 8 weeks of the arrival date, then full payment is required. All correspondence and documents will be sent to the party leader as detailed on the booking form who is responsible to us for all payments in respect of the booking and for ensuring that members of the party are kept informed of details affecting their arrangements. Arrival details, directions and key collection information will be sent to you 2 weeks prior to your arrival date at our villa, providing final payment has been received and cleared. Maximum number of guests is 8 persons.

2. Minimum Stay

Bookings are only accepted for a minimum of 3 nights in low season and a minimum of 7 nights in high season. Stays of less than 5 nights will incur an additional cleaning fee.

3. Security Deposit

It is a condition of any booking that you are responsible for any and all damage to the property or its contents during your stay, and that you agree to pay for any such damage including all legal and professional fees required to recover the monies owed. The amount of the Security Deposit does not limit your liability. A Security deposit of £250 is required with the final payment 8 weeks before departure. The Security Deposit will only be returned when the owner has confirmed that a satisfactory status report has been received and there are no excessive utility bills.

4. Arrival/Departure

Details of key collection will be given 2 weeks prior to arrival. The key is the responsibility of the guest and a charge will be made for lost keys. The rental commences at 4pm on the day of arrival and ceases
at 10am on the day of departure with no exceptions so the cleaners have sufficient time to clean before the next guests arrive. You will be charged at an hourly rate based on the booking price if you go over the allotted time until 4pm, after 4pm you will be charged a further night’s rental without the right to stay in the property. The property will be cleaned before arrival and again on your departure.

5. Pool and Safety

The pool is not heated and therefore we cannot guarantee the temperature of the pool as this will vary according to the prevailing weather conditions and season.

Please note you use the pool at your own risk. No diving is permitted and guests are specifically requested not to allow unsupervised children to use the pool areas at any time. Guests must exercise care on wet surfaces and are requested not to enter the house wet. Do not use the pool if you are under the influence of alcohol. Do not take breakable glass or utensils into the pool area or anywhere where there is a danger from broken glass. Plastic glasses are provided specifically for this purpose. Do not swim at night. Please take special care when the decking area is wet and do NOT run. The owner cannot accept liability for any personal injury, death or loss of personal belongings within the
property. We strongly advise guests to get appropriate holiday and medical insurance with a reputable insurance company/agent.

6. Cleaning

The property will be cleaned prior to your arrival and after you have departed. Although the property will be cleaned after your departure, it must still be left in an orderly state and all kitchen utensils should be washed. Should the property require extensive cleaning then the owner reserves the right to withhold any monies from the security deposit to pay for the extra cleaning.

7. Force Majeure

The homeowners & their representatives cannot accept, to be responsible for or be liable in respect of loss, damage or changes caused by force majeure. For example but not limited to, strikes, war, acts of terrorism, floods, hurricanes, closure of airports, weather conditions or other events beyond our control.

No refunds will be made.

8. Use of the Villa

Only the persons named on the booking form are allowed to use the villa and facilities at Villa Primavera unless agreed with the owner in advance. The owner may evict any persons not authorised to stay in the property. Such action will not entitle the client or any of their party to a refund of any monies. We request that our guests respect other villa guests and as such do not create a disturbance of any kind or partake in any illegal actions. If such is reported the owner or representatives have the right to evict the guests.

9. Valuables

Any valuables left at the property are left at your own risk. We are not responsible for their loss and we therefore recommend that you take out the appropriate personal travel insurance. A safety deposit box is provided in the villa.

10. Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be made in writing and will be considered effective on the date received. In the event that you cancel your booking the following charges will apply:

(1) If the reservation is cancelled more than 8 weeks prior to arrival, the charge will be deposit only.

(2) If the reservation is cancelled between 6 and 8 weeks prior to arrival, the charge will be 50% of the rental fee.

(3) If the reservation is cancelled less than 6 weeks prior to arrival, the charge will be 100% of the rental fee.

If you change the dates of your booking, this will be treated as a cancellation of the original booking and cancellation charges may apply. Whilst we will do everything to accommodate your required change, if we are unable to make the changes you have requested, you will remain subject to the terms of this agreement. The person who has made the booking must confirm all cancellations in writing. We will gladly provide proof of payment of a booking for the purpose of an insurance claim. It is strongly recommended that all guests take an ‘All risk’ insurance cover. Any changes to a booking once the form that has been received will incur a £25 admin charge. In the very unlikely event that we have to make any changes to confirmed arrangements due to circumstances beyond our control, we will advise you at the earliest possible date. If, for any reason beyond our control, we are unable to provide you with the dates you have booked and you are unable or unwilling to accept an alternative, we will cancel the booking and refund any sums paid by you. We will not be liable for any further obligations or claims outside of the deposit and balance.

11. Exceptional Cancellation Policy due to the Covid-19 Global Pandemic

Given the uncertainty caused by the ongoing situation with the Covid-19 global pandemic, we guarantee you a 100% full refund if government issued travel restrictions prevent the completion of the reservation.
Alternatively, you can move the date of your holiday (subject to availability) but please note that should you move to dates that are at a more expensive time of year, you will be required to cover the difference
in price at final balance stage.

12. Liabilities of Villa Primavera, Bezirgan Road, Kalkan, Turkey

Please bear in mind that this villa is situated in an area which consists of both residential and holiday homes, therefore the homeowners and their representative(s) cannot be held responsible for any on going construction, alterations to existing villas/apartments or any noise or nuisance as a result thereof on or around the villa location. In the unfortunate circumstance where there is a breakdown of an appliance/utility repair time will be dependant on the service contractor, the owner cannot be held responsible for these delays and no monies will be refunded for loss of service. The owner will not accept liability for loss of main services, such as but not limited to electricity or water supplies. We shall not be liable for the personal injury to any person named on the Booking Form or other person at the property. We shall not be liable for any injury, loss, damage, delay, expense or inconvenience of any kind caused as a result of any defect in any aircraft, train or other conveyance or building or the contents thereof or the failure of any service provided therein, any delays in transport, itineries or any act, omission or default of the travel services their servants or agents or any other causes whatsoever and howsoever arising whether or not within reasonable control of the owner.


Where you have asked us to give you information on additional services or equipment (such as boat charter or hire car) for which we have made no charge, this is an arrangement between you and the supplier direct. We accept no responsibility for the quality of safety of these services or equipment.

13. Care of the Property

You agree to treat the property with care and consideration and to inform us of any damage you have caused as soon as possible.
All rentals are subject to the conditions that clients will pay for any damages caused by them during their occupancy of the property. You agree to pay a damages deposit of £250 8 weeks prior to arrival. This may be paid to the owner by bank transfer and will be refunded to you within 2 weeks of departure when the property is left in good order save normal wear and tear. In the unlikely event that you have caused damage to the property or contents, which requires repair or replacement, please be assured that we will do everything to minimise the costs to you. Any items which have been broken should not be replaced. We will inform you of the cost, for which we will require payment and we will replace the articles ourselves. We cannot be held responsible for replacing items that have been left by previous guests. The villa has 4 bedrooms and there is a hairdryer in each of the rooms. If a hairdryer breaks during your stay, you are expected to use one of the other hairdryers until the owner can replace the broken one at his earliest convenience.


The guests are hereby made aware that, as Turkey has a Mediteranean climate, it is the home of many insects etc. Our home is treated on a regular basis to repel such unwanted visitors, but inevitably they
will occasionally find their way inside the property. They are best eradicated by spraying with an appropriate product. The problem with these unwanted guests is greatly reduced if food and crumbs are not left on worktops, tables, floors or in the pool area – it is advisable to clean up spills immediately.

15. BBQ

A BBQ has is available for your enjoyment. The tools have been supplied and are located in the kitchen. You must provide your own charcoal. No flammable or starter fuel is allowed to be stored within the premises or within 3 feet of the villa. You are expected to leave the BBQ clean for the next guest and dispose of the used charcoal properly. A charge will be taken from the security deposit if it is not.

16. Highchair & Crib (cot)

All equipment provided is for use at the guests own risk and that if there is anything which appears to be faulty they should report it immediately to the owner and discontinue use until it has been inspected and repaired or replaced as necessary.

17. Security Alarm

A security alarm has been provided for the safety of our villa and guests. It is the responsibility of the guest to make sure that the alarm is activated and all doors locked when the villa is not occupied. Children must not be allowed to use or tamper the alarm. Falsely setting off the alarm or leaving the villa unlocked and not secure will result in, but not limit to, the loss of security deposit.

18. Other

The owner and representatives reserve the right to enter the premises at any reasonable time to inspect premises or to carry out repairs. (If such repairs are necessary all reasonable measures will be taken not to inconvenience or trouble the rentee/guests). We reserve the right to cancel a booking if such repairs or work is to be carried out in this rental period if it is in the interest of Health & Safety of the public. In this event we will return all monies or part of if in residence (but without interest or compensation) or at the option of the clients and subject to availability will offer alternative premises of comparison standard. The client will be informed as soon as possible. Turkey immigration requires that all UK citizens hold a full 10-year passport with at least 6 months
remaining after your trip. It is your responsibility to have the correct documents for entry. Refunds of monies will not be given if you are unable to get to the villa.

19. Problems or Complaints

Any complaints relating to the property must be made in writing to the owner immediately or within 24 hours of any problem arising, who will endeavour to put things right. Unless there is a valid reason, the owner is not considered liable for any complaint that was not initially registered with the owner during your stay. However, we do not accept responsibility for the breakdown of the supply of water or electricity nor of the swimming pool filtration system, though we will do everything humanly possible to arrange for any such problems to be resolved with the utmost speed.

20. Smoking

For the comfort of all our guests, you are advised that this villa is a non-smoking villa and smoking is strictly prohibited other than the garden area. Cigarette ends must be cleared away and not left lying around. You are advised that your security deposit will not be refunded if smoking has taken place inside this property during your stay. You will also be liable for any cleaning costs that may incur.

21. Pets

For the comfort of all our guests we do not allow pets at this property, you are advised that your security deposit will not be refunded if pets have been present on this property during your stay. You will also be liable for any cleaning costs that may incur.

22. Cleaning

You will find the property clean and tidy when you arrive. In order for it to be clean and tidy for the next guests, you will be required to leave by 10.00 am on the day of departing so it can be cleaned for the next guests.

23. Linen and Towels

The use of all bedclothes, including sheets, pillowcases, covers, bath and hand towels, tea towels are included in the price. Please not that pool/beach towels are included. Linen is changed once a week.

24. Maid Service

If you require a daily service, this is possible to arrange at an additional cost. Please let us know at least 2 weeks before your arrival if you require any additional maid service.

25. Utilities

The cost for the use of water and electricity is included in the rental price. However, the owner reserves the right to deduct excessive usage from the security deposit.

This contract covers accommodation only. It does not include flights, insurance, car-hire or food. The signing of the booking form or completion of the on-line booking form constitutes acceptance of
these terms & conditions by the client.